Our reason for being

Yay Bikes! believes that riding a bike is an important thing people can do to feel profoundly connected to their best selves, to their fellow (wo)man, to their place and the environment, to their version of The Divine. We believe that riding a bike is an unique experience in that regard—notably different from the experience most of us have driving a car. And because it offers such rare and profound connectedness we believe that bicycling transforms lives. Yay Bikes! exists because bicycling provides access to transformation. Especially so for those who choose to ride, but even among those who don't, whose lives are safer, more peaceful and altogether more enjoyable when cyclists take to the streets. A bike friendly world is a better world, for all of us!

Our mission

Yay Bikes! influences the conditions that help people safely and comfortably ride bicycles for transportation. 

Our values

The following values are deeply embedded within the culture of Yay Bikes!, and provide the filter through which we determine who to develop as leaders, what partnerships to pursue and how we approach opportunities and challenges:


We treat all with warmth and respect.


We do what we say we will do.


We go above and beyond to create transformation.


We expect and insist upon positive change.

Our theory of change

The Yay Way! is how we believe our mission will be accomplished, and the foundation of our strategic decision making. 


We facilitate a caring community of cyclists because we believe that changing transportation behaviors is difficult when attempted in isolation.


We provide on-road bicycle education because we believe that people need both information and practice to successfully ride the roads.


We explore the intersections between bicycling and other areas of life because we believe it necessary to expand the public’s notion of who is and can be a bicyclist.


We revel in the joy of bicycling because we believe that people will not permanently adjust their behavior in the service of something they don't enjoy.


We ride the streets of Central Ohio because we believe that people need to develop new mental maps and discover unique destinations to re-experience by bike.