Yay Bikes! Board

  • Brian Estabrook

    2024-25 Board President

    Brian joined the Board in January 2023.

    He is a full time year round bike commuter who lives in Franklinton and works in Downtown Columbus. Professionally, Brian works as a Food Systems Planner for Franklin County Economic Development & Planning. Brian previously served as an elected Franklinton Area Commissioner and remains a member of both the Zoning and Housing Committees. Brian's passion is to reimagine and transform our shared built environment to center the needs, desires, health, and safety of all people - and doing so requires centering the challenges and experiences of those impacted by marginalization, oppression, and structural injustice. Bike and pedestrian advocacy is a critical part of this broader project of building a truly inclusive, accessible, equitable city.

  • Erin Synk

    Vice President

    Erin joined the Board in September, 2018.
    Advocacy Committee Chair

    LEN Group
    Director of Government Affairs

  • Joy Lanham


    Joy joined the Board in January 2020.

    Lanham Engineering, LLC

  • Jennifer Anderson


    Vice President for Information Technology at Columbus State Community College

    Jen joined the Board in January 2023.

    I’m interested in supporting cycling as a safe and accepted mode of transportation and recreation for all. I’ve been a dedicated cyclist for many years including over 20 as a commuter and transportation cyclist throughout Columbus. I feel bikes are a key part of a transportation future that is greener and healthier for all, and want to work to make cycling as accessible here as it is in other parts of the world, and to expand access to cycling among underrepresented groups.

  • Joachim Bean

    Joachim joined the Board in January 2024.

    He currently serves as the Data Program Coordinator and the State Safety Oversight Coordinator at the Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Transit. Outside of ODOT, Joachim also serves as an Area Commissioner and Treasurer for the Fifth by Northwest Area Commission. He received a Master of City and Regional Planning from the Knowlton School of Architecture at The Ohio State University in 2017 and is a life-long Columbus resident.

  • Peggy Behrman

    Peggy joined the Board in January 2024.

    She began riding bikes at an early age, continued through high school and college, and then life interrupted. About 10 years ago, she was able to get back on the bike and she hasn't looked back. She lives near the TJ Evans trail which she rides two to three times a week. Her husband of 37 years encouraged her to start riding again. Little did he realize the monster he created. She wanted to ride in Pelotonia but was not comfortable riding on the road. She joined Yay Bikes! for the experience of on road riding. "I have met so many wonderful people that are supportive and encouraging that I can call best friends. I look forward to giving that back."

  • Carli Goode

    Carli joined the Board in August 2024.

    She is a planner in Toole Design’s Columbus office. She has a Master’s degree in City and Regional Planning. She brings experience in policy, community development, and greenway planning. She is committed to helping create equitable and resilient communities.

    In addition to biking, Carli enjoys running and skiing.

  • Nichelle Harris

    COO and Principal Education Consultant for GapLogic

    Nichelle joined the Board in January 2023.

    I’m passionate about riding (recently completed a 10 day cross country trip where I biked 8 states, 6 trails including the Cowboy Trail in NE). I commute to work 2-3 times a week when the temp is above 50. I’m a novice bike mechanic with a bit of shop experience. I also lead a middle school after school club called Moving Gears Bike Shop for the Marysville schools BASE program.

  • Hannah Higgins

    Senior Landscape Architect

    Hannah joined the Board in January 2021.

  • West Kyle

    Franklinton Cycle Works Bike Mechanic
    Toole Design Bike Ambassador

    West joined the Board in January 2023.

    West has lived in Columbus since 2009. In 2019 he started cycling doing courier work in Columbus for various courier services. Since 2020, he has worked for Franklinton Cycleworks as a bike mechanic.

    He served as an Ambassador in the Central Ohio Bike and Bus Ambassador Program 2021 pilot run by Columbus Department of Public Health, then co-led two training classes advocating for safer riding and easier commutes and achieving resources for communities located in Central Columbus.

    On his off days he often leads a group bike ride called Monday Night Ride. Riding through the city and hanging or just checking out interesting landmarks.

  • Brenda Ribble

    Brenda joined the Board in July, 2020.

    She had being a member for several years and helping with Bike the Cbus. Brenda served as Board President in 2021 & 2022. She is currently our ride committee chair.

    Brenda’s loved cycling since she was kid. She enjoys bike touring and bikepacking and has completed the entire 326 miles of the Ohio to Erie Trail twice!

  • Chet Ridenour

    Chet joined the Board in January 2020.

    Chet has been at the forefront of emerging mobility in Columbus since 2012. First as the Marketing Manager and then the General Manager of car2go, he introduced free-floating carsharing service to Central Ohio. As Lyft’s Senior Operations Manager he launched free-floating ebikes with CoGo Bike Share directly in the Lyft app. He’s a daily biker and hasn’t owned a personal vehicle in over 10 years. He and his wife have an Aussie Poo dog .

  • Annabel "AB" Spranger

    Annabel joined the Board in January 2025.

    Annabel grew up on the northwest side of Chicago and has been living in Columbus for 6 years. They have been cycling for almost a decade and started their bike journey riding fixed gear in Chicago as a teenager. Annabel does not own a personal vehicle and bike commutes year round, regardless of weather, to their job as an Urban Conservation Specialist for Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District. They believe that bikes make people better people and that streets should be built around the safety and comfort of their most vulnerable users. Annabel works with Bike Lane Uprisingto fund and distribute free bike lights to cyclists in Columbus. Beyond cycling, Annabel's passions include environmental conservation, cooking good local food, seeing live music, and growing native plants and vegetables in their small Old North yard. 

  • BJ Wardlow

    BJ joined the Board in January 2024.

    BJ and his wife live in Clintonville and enjoy biking all over our great city. BJ works from home as a VDC Manager for a Virtual Construction Consultant company. He and his wife have lived in Columbus since 2016 and became very involved in cycling during the pandemic as a means to get out of the house safely and enjoy the many trails and bike friendly streets throughout the city. BJ has ridden RAGBRAI twice, and biked the Keys in Florida. He and his wife are currently planning for their first GOBA this upcoming spring! Of the many things BJ would like to help with during his YayBikes! board term, his two main interests include improving access to and acceptance of wearing helmets when biking, and enhancing the mixed use trail system in Columbus, particularly an east-west connector in the center of the city.