July 2016 activity report
Yay Bikes! ride leaders Shyra Allen and Jeff Gove pose post-ride with their group of public health officials from around the state.
Welcome to the monthly feature in which we round up all our events, earned media, program delivery, meetings and speaking engagements for the month. Representation and outreach like this is what you fund with your membership dollars and major gifts, folks! Behold, July:
July 2
Year of Yay! vetting ride
July 6
Columbus Underground: "Promotion of Cyclist Murder Causes Outrage During Doo Dah Parade"
WND: "'I'll Share the Road When You Follow the Rules'"
July 7
Bike the Cbus planning meeting
The Columbus Dispatch: "Parade should make anarchy great again"
July 8
The Columbus Dispatch: "Lessons from the Doo Dah parade"
July 9
Year of Yay!, American Heroes theme
Yay Valet! @ Deschutes Brewery's Street Pub
July 10
Bike the Cbus+ Team of Awesomeness vet the metric century route
July 12
How We Roll ride with 26 Wellness Ambassadors from public health agencies around the state
July 14
Attended press conference announcing Dr. Ned Pettus as the new director of Columbus' Department of Public Safety
July 15
Bike the Cbus planning meeting
Tour de Brew planning meeting
July 18
Yay Bikes! Board of Directors meeting
July 21
10TV.com: "Seven months in, several incidents reported on newly designed Summit St."
July 26–27
Attended the Ohio Department of Transportation Ohio Planning Conference: Transport Ohio's Future and led a bike ride for participants
July 27
Yay Valet! @ ICC at the Shoe
July 28
Columbus Green Team Built Environment and Transportation Infrastructure committee meeting
July 29
Professional development ride with representatives from Worthington, Westerville, Gahanna, Grove City and Reynoldsburg, as well as MORPC