'American Heroes' ride recap
Cyclists chatting with each other at a stop. Photo credit: Keith Lugs
This month's ride, titled "American Heroes", was fantastic. The weather was perfect! There were 40+ riders, on a journey of 21 miles. Here was the route we took.
Riding against the backdrop of a beautiful sky. Photo credit: Darrell McGrath
Our path took us from our Easton start point, Whole Foods, to our first stop, the Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resource Center, where our gracious host Christine Happel enlightened us on how their agency does good, assisting a varied demographics in the community; most of us were very inspired and there was plenty talk of group members wanting to volunteer and donate useful items.
Cyclists gather at our first stop, Clintonville-Beechwold CRC. Photo credit: Darrell McGrath
Christine Happel shares about Clintonville-Beechwold CRC (with ride leader Theo White at right). Photo credit: Keith Lugs
From there we traveled to main campus, where we stopped at Directions For Youth And Families and learned about the impact the men and women of this agency have in helping families and children improve their lives, via counseling services and various therapeutic programs. While gaining deeper insight into what is done at this agency, our group of road adventures were treated to frozen treats, in the form of Patriotic Bomb Pops, Popsicles and Ice Cream Bars; definitely fuel for our journey back!
Turning left off High Street. Photo credit: Darrell McGrath
Thanks to everyone who came out for the ride. See you next month!
July's button, courtesy local artist Thom Glick