August 2016 activity report
Leading a professional development ride for City of Worthington engineers, parks and utilities staff.
Welcome to the monthly feature in which we round up all our events, earned media, program delivery, meetings and speaking engagements for the month. Representation and outreach like this is what you fund with your membership dollars and major gifts, folks! Behold, August:
August 1
Meeting with Tyler Steele of the Major Taylors regarding Bike the Cbus
Meeting with James Young, Columbus City Engineer, regarding our joint American Public Works conference presentation
August 2
Board meeting of Franklin County Consortium for Good Government, on which our Executive Directo serves
August 4
Travel to Zanesville to vet their Professional Development Ride
Bike the Cbus planning meeting
August 6
Year of Yay! vetting ride
August 10
Columbus Alive: "Wheels of Fortunate"
August 11
Regular meeting of the City of Columbus Green Team Working Group Chairs, which our Executive Director chairs
Regular meeting of the City of Columbus Green Team, which our Executive Director chairs
Meeting of the statewide Ride Buddy training team
August 12
City of Zanesville Professional Development Ride
August 13
Year of Yay!, Local Food theme
August 14
Bike the Cbus and Bike the Cbus+ vetting rides
Bike the Cbus+ ride lead/sweep training
August 17
Regular meeting of the DRAC board, on which our Executive Director serves
August 19
Travel to Worthington to vet their Professional Development Ride
August 20
Yay Valet! @ Grove City EcoFest
August 23
City of Worthington Professional Development Ride
Regular meeting of the CoGo Bike Share Advisory Board, on which our Executive Director serves
August 23–25
Delivered Ride Buddy training for professionals from around the state
August 26
Attended the Regional Trails Summit in Cincinnati, at which Board Member Brian Laliberte presented on the keynote panel "Balancing the Active Transportation Network"
August 27–30
Attended the PWX 2016: The American Public Works Association Conference in Minneapolis, at which our Executive Director Catherine Girves presented on "Municipal Engineers and Bicycle Advocates Make Really Great Friends!"
Minneapolis Bike Hub meeting
Dero facility tour