Out & About with Yay Bikes! — July 2015

ODOT ride

Welcome to the monthly feature in which we round up all our events, earned media, program delivery, meetings and speaking engagements for the month. Representation and outreach like this is what you fund with your membership dollars and major gifts, folks! Behold, July:

July 1

How We Roll Pelotonia ride with reporter Steve Wartenberg

Pedal Instead redesign planning meeting

July 2

Regular meeting of Mayor Coleman’s Green Team, on which Catherine serves

Meeting re: National Night Out with 5th x Northwest Commission Chair Becky Obester

July 4

Doo Dah Parade with "Mellow Max" theme

July 8

Presentation on bicycle commuting for the Rotary Club of Dublin Worthington

Guest at Transit Columbus' Board Meeting

Regular board meeting of the Downtown Residents Association of Columbus, on which Catherine serves

July 10

Pelotonia blog post: "Two Ways to Become a Road Scholar"

Pedal Instead at the Mayor's Twilight Ride

July 11

Year of Yay!with "Cooling It" theme featuring stops at Byrd Polar Research Center, Graeter's Ice Cream and Zauber Brewing Company

July 12

Pedal Instead @ "Bike to the Ballpark", sponsored by Kenda Tires

July 14

How We Roll Pelotonia ride

July 15

WTS Columbus Ice Cream Social networking event

General (public) meeting of the Downtown Residents Association of Columbus, on which Catherine serves

Pedal Instead redesign planning meeting

July 16

Ride Buddy ride with Whitehall City Schools employee

July 17

Connect Columbus ride of NE Columbus with transportation professionals and members of the general public

July 20

Regular monthly board meeting of Yay Bikes!

Meeting with the City of Columbus' Bicycle & Safe Routes to School Coordinators

July 21

Professional development ride with members of the Ohio Department of Transportation's safety funding team

July 22

Regular meeting of the Blueprint Columbus Community Advisory Panel

July 23

Regular meeting of the COTANextGen Project Advisory Group, on which Catherine serves

July 28

Attendance at MORPC’s Regional Education Forum

How We Roll Pelotonia ride

July 29

Inaugural meeting of the Central Ohio Greenways Board, on which Catherine serves

Introductory meeting with Bike Miami Valley

Regular meeting of Columbus’s Bicycle Working Group, on which Catherine serves

Bike the Cbus planning meeting

Pedal Instead redesign planning meeting

July 30

Professional development ride with MORPC employees

Team Buckeye Biker Bash tabling event


'Keeping it cool' ride recap


Connect Columbus process includes bicycle tour of NE Columbus